Делаем блок с табами в виде слайдера в ZeroBlock в Tilda
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor
Kieron B. Lucero
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor
Kieron B. Lucero
Raymond N. Gill
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor
Kieron B. Lucero
Talent & Performance Advisor
Michelle C. Ward
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor
Kieron B. Lucero
Head of Consulting
Lisa M. Singleton
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor
Kieron B. Lucero
Kieron B. Lucero
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Kieron B. Lucero
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor
Talent & Performance Advisor
Umar C. Wagner
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Kieron B. Lucero
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor
Talent & Performance Advisor
Umar C. Wagner
"We bring the breathe of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making work. We can help you with picking out the best people for your company."
Head of Consulting
Brianna B. Rooney
Raymond N. Gill
Michelle C. Ward
Talent & Performance Advisor
Lisa M. Singleton
Head of Consulting
Kieron B. Lucero
Umar C. Wagner
Talent & Performance Advisor

Делаем блок с табами в виде слайдера в ZeroBlock в Tilda

Создали блок CR30N на 6 слайдов (скорость анимации - быстро)
Создали 6 ZeroBlock для каждого слайда
- в каждом блоке по 6 таб-кнопок для персон. Задали им классы
person_1, person_2, person_3, person_4, person_5, person_6
- в каждом создали 2 иконки со стрелками и задали им классы
person_left , person_right
Дублировали первый и последний Zero
Добавили код на страницу в блок Другое - Т123
В коде прописали ID СR30N: #rec304257140
Mo-ti Level Up
Видео инструкции по добавлению кода и работе с Zero Block.
Создаём несколько ZeroBlock и объединяем их в слайдер с элементы для управления.
Длительность видео: 33 мин
Фрагмент видео
Библиотека для примера

.person_tab_slider .t-slds_animated.t-slds_animated-fast{
    -webkit-transition:height ease-in-out 0s,transform ease-in-out 0s;
    -moz-transition:height ease-in-out 0s,transform ease-in-out 0s;
    -o-transition:height ease-in-out 0s,transform ease-in-out 0s;
    transition:height ease-in-out 0s,transform ease-in-out 0s
.person_tab_slider .t734 { height: auto !important}
.person_tab_slider  { 
    outline: none;
    -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
    -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
.tn-elem[class*="person_"] , .person_right, .person_left { cursor:pointer}  
.person_tab_slider .t-slds__arrow_container, .person_tab_slider .t-slds__bullet_wrapper { display: none}

//Формируем таб
let sldID = ['#rec304257140'];
for (let i=0; i<sldID.length; i++){
    let sliderEl = sldID[i]+' .t-slds__item'; 
    let slidercount = $(sliderEl).length; $(sliderEl).empty(); let start=0;
    for (let j=0; j<slidercount; j++){
        let sInd = j+start;
        if(start){ slideId = '#'+$(sldID[i]).next().next('div[data-record-type="396"]').attr('id');
        }else{ slideId = '#'+$(sldID[i]).next('div[data-record-type="396"]').attr('id') 
        }; $(slideId).appendTo(sliderEl+'[data-slide-index='+(sInd)+']');
    };  if(start){ $(sldID[i]).next().hide(); $(sldID[i]).next().next().hide()};
}, 100); 
//Клик на таб элемент
    let mainslider = $(this).closest('.person_tab_slider');
    let personSumm = mainslider.find('div[class*="person_"]').length;
    let personClass = $(this).attr('class'); let personNum;
    for (let i=1; i<personSumm+1;i++){ let personGoal = personClass.includes('person_'+i);if (personGoal) personNum=i;};
//Клик на стрелки
    let mainslider = $(this).closest('.person_tab_slider');
    let mainslider = $(this).closest('.person_tab_slider');
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