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Как добавить слайдер карусель из блоков раздела Услуги в ZeroBlock в Tilda
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 2
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 3
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 4
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 5
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 6
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 7
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 8
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 9
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 2
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 3
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 4
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 5
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 6
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 7
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 8
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 9
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
An official, technical, legal, medical, financial, business documents, website translations, certified translations.
Simultaneous, consecutive, liaison, whispered and telephone interpreting for any kind of event.
Proofreading and editing
Сorrection errors in translation, mistranslation, typographical mistakes or excessively literal translation.
Rewriting and copywriting
Adapting texts and documents to a brand new market and readership, choosing a suitable writing style.
Audio transcription
Conversion of speech (from an audio or video source file) into an electronic text document.
Multilingual subtitles
Transcribing the voice-over and the titles in the video. A synchronization of the subtitles and the video.
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 2
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 3
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 4
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 5
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 6
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 7
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 8
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5
Card 6
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
Tell about the core of the service and upload an atmospherical photo to attract your clients.
Card 2
Tell about the core of the service and upload an atmospherical photo to attract your clients.
Card 3
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile adapted.
Card 4
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile adapted.
Card 5
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile adapted.
Card 6
We create landing pages for products and services, simple and effective, mobile adapted.
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 2
We create specialists portraits, develop ways of training of personnel. We develop branding for new companies or rebrand products.
Card 3
We help startups to create the visual identity, according to our marketing research. We know design and business trends and use them masterfully.
Card 4
We help startups to create the visual identity, according to our marketing research. We know design and business trends and use them masterfully.
Card 5
We help startups to create the visual identity, according to our marketing research. We know design and business trends and use them masterfully.
Card 6
We help startups to create the visual identity, according to our marketing research. We know design and business trends and use them masterfully.
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
All our products are handmade produced, handmade crafted and beloved. Any product is unique on its own.
Card 2
We deliver our handcrafted pretty things all over the world. It is free delivery in Vancouver, $10 within Canada and some other price for other countries.
Card 3
We sell the product on printing markets SANAR, in Vans stores and corners and also you can read our featured stories in the online mag.
Card 4
We sell the product on printing markets SANAR, in Vans stores and corners and also you can read our featured stories in the online mag.
Card 5
We sell the product on printing markets SANAR, in Vans stores and corners and also you can read our featured stories in the online mag.
Card 6
We sell the product on printing markets SANAR, in Vans stores and corners and also you can read our featured stories in the online mag.
Slidy will help you a create
Beautiful Pages
We create beautiful designs for businesses to succeed and develope UX-driven mobile applications.
Card 1
We can estimate your company opportunities, explore your economic status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Card 2
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 3
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 4
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 5
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.
Card 6
We develop the main conception of a company according to company target, develop strategies of competitive advantage.

Как добавить слайдер карусель из блоков раздела Услуги в ZeroBlock в Tilda

Из раздела "Услуги" участвуют следующие блоки
SV202, SV203
SV305, SV306
SV401, SV402, SV403, SV404, SV406
Создали ZeroBlock, добавили в него
- Элемент HTML с классом slider_html
- Иконку влево и вправо с классами prev_slide и next_slide
(скрин макета ниже)
Добавили блок из первого пункта на страницу.
Заполнили контентом и стилизовали
Добавили первый и второй код в блоки Т123
В первом коде прописали ID блоков

let zeroMain = $('#rec264847791'); //Zero
let colSurr = $('#rec264859454'); //Блок с контентом

Кол-во колонок в контейнере задаётся

{ breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
{ breakpoint: 960, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
{ breakpoint: 640, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
{ breakpoint: 480, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
{ breakpoint: 300, settings: { slidesToShow: 1 } }
Библиотека для примера
let zeroMain = $('#rec264847791');  //Zero
let colSurr =  $('#rec264859454');  //Блок с контентом
zeroMain.find('.slider_html').html('<div class="slider_wrapper"></div>');
colSurr.find('.t-col').each(function() {$(this).appendTo(zeroMain.find('.slider_wrapper'))});
      prevArrow: zeroMain.find('.prev_slide'),
      nextArrow: zeroMain.find('.next_slide'),
      infinite: true,
      lazyLoad: 'ondemand',
      slidesToScroll: 1,
      responsive: [
        { breakpoint: 1200, settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
        { breakpoint: 960,  settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
        { breakpoint: 640,  settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
        { breakpoint: 480,  settings: { slidesToShow: 2 } },
        { breakpoint: 300,  settings: { slidesToShow: 1 } }
    $('.slider_wrapper').on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){ setTimeout(function() {t_lazyload_update()}, 100)});    
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.8.1/slick.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.8.1/slick-theme.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/slick-carousel/1.8.1/slick.min.js"></script>
.slick-slide, .slick-slide a, .slick-slide .t-btn { outline: none}
.slick-track { display: flex}
@media screen and (max-width:960px){
.slick-slide{ margin-bottom: 0 !important}
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div[class*="_slide"]{ cursor:pointer}  

.slider_html {height: min-content !important}
.slider_wrapper {height: min-content}
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.slick-dots li.slick-active button:before {color: #ff8264}
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.t858__img {padding-bottom: 45px}
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.t842__bgwrapper{ width: 100% !important}
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