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Годовой доступ
к видео на mo-ti -20%
по промокоду T19RAY
Промокод действителен 3 дня

Оформить доступ с промокодом
Делаем плавный скролл по стрелке в Zero блок без добавления модификатора плавного скролла в Tilda
Zero block
create your own block from scratch
First modular system for web-publishing
Content Oriented Web
Make great presentations, longreads, and landing pages, as well as photo stories, blogs, lookbooks, and all other kinds of content oriented projects.
About design thinking
About Design thinking. It has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate. This process is an essential tool that will give entrepreneurs the edge that they need to succeed.
About Our Methods
We are marketing consultants based in Amsterdam. Specializing in fitness products and sport brands, I constantly keep in touch with tomorrow's markets and build business proposals for developing companies. I'm currently open to job offers.

Как добавить зацикленное видео в карточку товара в Tilda

Создаём ZeroBlock со стрелкой и задаём ей класс scroll-link
Блоку или элементу, до которого нужен скролл, задаём класс uc-scroll-end
Добавили код в блок другое - Т123
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    (function () {
        const scrollLink = document.querySelectorAll(".scroll-link");
        scrollLink.forEach(function (el, index) {
            el.addEventListener('click',function(e) {
                const element = document.querySelector('.uc-scroll-end');
                let topPosition  = element.offsetTop;
                    const parent = element.closest('.r').offsetTop;

    cursor: pointer;

html {
  scroll-behavior: smooth;
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