Как создать слайдер стандартного блока на базе PL310 в Tilda
Special Offers
Best food for you and family
Raw Scallops From Erquy
Candied Jerusalem artichokes, truffle
Celeriac and Truffle Ravioli
Roasted langoustine, consommé
Cod Filet Cooked on One Side
Chorizo, chickpea espuma, pequillos
Sea Bass Ceviche
Avocado, butternut, lime
Corrèze Pan-seared Veal Liver
Olive oil mashed potato, onion jus
Grilled Veal Filet Mignon
Pumpkin, endives with hazelnuts


Repudiandae dignissimos fugiat sit nam
Tender Octopus and Fennel
Citrus, wild rocket condiment
Viennese Veal Cutlet
Ricotta and spinach gnocchi, Caccio de Pepe
Italian Pasta With Meat
Candied Jerusalem artichokes, truffle
Lamb-Beef Kofka Skewers with Tzatziki
Lemon / Garlic / Beans
Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp with Garlic
Bacon / Shrimp / Garlic
Pork with Italian Salsa Verde
Pork / Tomatoes / Veggies
Dessert Menu
If your sweet tooth deserves a dessert, grab a fork or spoon right now.
Lemon meringue
Baked meringue with lemon ice cream and lemon curd sauce
Apple tart
Baked apple pie with vanilla ice cream
Mini chocolate truffles
With a warm and liquid caramel inside
Cherry ice cream
Vanilla ice cream with meringue and warm cherry sauce
Frozen berries
Mixed berries with frozen yoghurt
Apple ice cream
Vanilla ice cream with apples and caramel sauce

Как создать слайдер стандартного блока на базе PL310 в Tilda

Создали рядом 3 блока PL310
Добавили код в блок Другое - Т123
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Создаём слайдер из стандартного блока PL310.
Используем другие блоки для слайдера.
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